New York State Regulations Issued on Anchoring Goals

A bill (A.5308-C) mandating safety guidelines for movable soccer goals was signed into law by Governor Cuomo on November 21, 2014. The Department of State issued goal anchoring regulations on June 3, 2015 that substantially incorporates the guidelines for moveable soccer goal safety produced by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. These are the same guidelines that US Soccer, USYS, and NYSW members have been following since their publication in 1995.   


What does this mean to you as a coach, your club and your league?  Probably not much will change as we have been using the federal guidelines to operate for twenty years.  However, this underscores the need to ensure goals are secured as now there are penalties the Attorney General can impose if goals are found to be improperly secured as mandated by the law.


Bottom line: Goals have always been mandated to be secured before any activity. Continue to follow best practices and familiarize yourself with the state regulations.


The New York Department of State guidelines can be found here beginning on page 27 of the PDF of the document.


United States Consumer Product Safety Commission guidelines can be found on NYSW website under the "Coaches Tab" or here