** Cosmopolitan Soccer League 2020/2021 **

Sun, June 13, 2021 - 6:15 pm
Division 3
  Half 1 Half 2 Final
Brooklyn City FC

Desportiva Sociedad NY City


49 D 1
20 M 1
6 M 1
 #  POS   Match ELIGIBLE
21 M 04. Bergoend, Vincent
6 D 05. Davitt, Chris
1 GK 06. Dennis, Jabari
17 D 07. Eldin, Amr
9 F 08. Eldin, Mohamed
11 F 09. Ellison, Kimani
5 D 10. Garcia, Carlos
11. Guzman, Michael
2 D 12. Kaczmarczyk, Karol
23 M 13. Liu, Amson
14. Louis Jeune, Stann
10 M 15. Mokhtar, Mohamed
3 M 16. Viret, Julian
         COACHES Y R
  01. Jesse DeLorenzo
  02. Jason Orban
  03. Robert Rossicone
Match RECAP:  Brooklyn City FC

Abou Diaby with the third goal in a convincing win to close out the season.


Doug James the MVP after fishing the match ball out of Coney Island Creek!

 #  POS   Match ELIGIBLE
M 01. Aucapina, Jasson
16 M 02. Aydemir, Matthew
1 GK 03. Bespalov, Pavel
1 GK 04. Betancourt, Leonardo
11 M 05. Castaneda, Harrison
18 GK 06. Dounn, Maxwell
24 M 07. Fernandez-Leal, Alonso
6 D 08. Fu, Andrew
3 D 09. Ghaly, Raed
2 D 10. Hess, Jacob
22 D 11. Jones, Spencer
17 F 12. Joseph, Jazzany
34 D 13. Little, Ivan
1` M 14. Lopez-Valeriano, Crosby
19 M 15. Malik, Haseeb
43 D 16. Marchassalla, Michael
7 M 17. Morales, Cristian
27 D 18. Mortimer, Matthew
F 19. Ossa Blandon, Nelson Emilio
35 M 20. Santos, Marco
16 M 21. Saziduzzaman, Asif
45 D 22. Scott McDowell, Kristopher
9 F 23. Shagena, Brett
30 D 24. Velez, John
         COACHES Y R
  01. Christopher M. Alves
  02. Michael J Marchassalla