Game Forfeit >$250
Teams must contact the opposing team one week prior to game for changes and must be done via email. If you do talk over the phone please log these conversations via WCSA website/email and cc
Absence of Scheduling Meeting = $100 fine must be paid to the league before the team participates in Regionals, Open Cup, or next league session.
Teams may email the league at if they can not attend the scheduling meeting by Jan 20th. Failure to do so will result in fine.
Missing Roster: Teams must have roster updated online and print current WCSA Game Report 24 hours prior to game Failure to do can result in warning, fines, point reduction, forfeit, and removal from league.
- First Offense: Warning
- Second Offense: $50 fine and forfeit
- Third Offense: $100 fine, forfeit and 3 point reduction
- Fourth Offense: $150 fine, forfeit, additional 3 pointe reduction, relegation, and possible removal from league
Missing Game Info: Home Teams must have their schedule location, time, and date updated no longer than 2 weeks prior to match. Failure can result in warning, fines, point reduction, forfeit, and removal from league.
- First Offense: Warning
- Second Offense: $50 fine and forfeit
- Third Offense: $100 fine, forfeit and 3 point reduction
- Fourth Offense: $150 fine, forfeit, 3 point reduction
- Fifth Offense: $200 fine, forfeit, additional 3 point reduction, relegation, and possible removal from league
Field Conditions: Home Teams must make sure field is playable out lined in the rules of the game. This includes but in not limited to field lined properly, corner flags, and net attached to goal prior to kick off.
- First Offense: Warning
- Second Offense: $50 fine
- Third Offense: $100 fine, forfeit
- Fourth Offense: $150 fine, forfeit, 3 point reduction,
- Fifth Offense: $200 fine, forfeit, additional 3 point reduction, relegation, and possible removal from league
Failure to Use League Officials: Teams will be subject to Game Forfiet, $250 game fine, point deduction and possible relegation/removal
Failure to Attend Post Season Events/Tournaments = $1000
This fine are for teams that can not attend the event and do not contact the league via email at by the event deadline.
Misconduct Fines: League has the ablity to issue fines for team/individual contact pending on the severity of conduct.
* All Fines must be paid prior to post season events and/or next competitive session which ever comes first.