UC Santa Barbara Women Tournament
12th Annual UC Santa Barbara Women’s Club Soccer Invitational


Schedule Standings


Tournament Rules:

The UCSB invitational will be governed under the NIRSA Championship Series 

rules and the NIRSA Eligibility Requirements with the following exceptions. 

Format:  There are 18 total teams in this year’s Invitational.  Each team will be placed in 

a pool of 3 teams and play 2 pool play games.  The top team from each of the 6 pools will 

automatically advance to the Quarterfinals on Saturday night.  To fill out the Quarters the 

next two teams with the highest point total that do not win their pool will advance as 

Wild Card teams. Wild Card teams will not be matched up with teams from their own 

pools in the Quarters. Teams that do not advance to the Quarters will be placed as teams 

9-18 on the schedule to play their remaining tournament games. 

Sunday Games: Most teams will have at least one game on Sunday.  Please make sure to 

check the schedule and the scoreboards at the fields to see when you play.  Any team(s) 

not fulfilling their scheduled games will not be invited back next year.  

Points:  7 Point System

Win = 3 points

Tie = 1 point

Loss = 0 points

Goals For = 1 point per goal up to 3 goals

Shut out = 1 point

Forfeit = 1-0 win for 5 points.

Tiebreakers for Pool Play Advancement Determination:

1. Head to Head 

2. High Point Differential (maximum 5 goals for per game)

3. Most Goals For (maximum 5 goals for per game)

4. Fewest Goals Against

5. Most Total Wins

6. Most shut outs

7. PK’s – If penalty kicks are needed to determine advancement for any teams they 

will take place at 4:30pm on Rec Cen Field #2

Tiebreaker for Quarters, Semi’s and Finals:

No overtime, game will go directly into PK’s.  Anyone on the roster may take a penalty 

kick.  Pool play games can end in a tie. 

Game Length:

All games will be 35 minute halves – running clock.  If an opponent is not ready to play 5 

minutes after the game clock has been started, a forfeit win (1-0 score) will be awarded to 

the opposing team. Halftime is 5 minutes. 

Home Team:  Home team is listed first on the schedule. THE HOME TEAM WILL 



Red Cards:

Any player or coach receiving a red card will be ejected from the game and is ineligible 

to compete or be in attendance at the team’s next contest.  

Protests are absolutely NOT allowed.

As team captains, presidents and/or representatives it is your responsibility to make 

sure the players you bring to the UCSB Invitational are following NIRSA Eligibility 

Requirements.  Any team caught in violation of the NIRSA Eligibility Requirements 

during the tournament will be immediately removed from the tournament and not 

be invited back to future tournaments here at UCSB.


Trainers will be at the fields for all games to address injuries.  If any member of your 

team needs to be taped, you must bring your own tape and pre-wrap. UCSB 

trainers will not be supplying tape or pre-wrap.  Tape can be purchased from UCSB 

trainers for $2 a roll.

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